Proactive Hardware Monitoring User Guide


This DEX Pack monitors hardware performance, issues, and inventory. Use this DEX Pack to diagnose high-priority hardware issues for specific models and systems. For example, this DEX Pack highlights degraded batteries.

System Status Summary

Assess hardware issues and inventory.

System Health Monitoring

Closely monitor hardware performance for individual systems.

Battery Summary

Assess degradation of battery capacity for specific models and systems.

System Status Summary

Slider Info

Use these sliders to specify the color thresholds for metrics in the Hardware Issues Overview graph and the Hardware Issues and Inventory table. These metrics are measured for each individual system.

Cells with values less than, between, and greater than the chosen values will be colored as shown in each slider.

BSOD Slider

This slider determines the color coding for the BSOD data. This data is measured for each system over the past 90 days.

Battery Capacity Slider

This slider determines the color coding for the Battery Capacity (%) data.

This metric compares a battery’s current capacity to the capacity that battery was designed to have when brand-new. For example, if a battery’s current capacity is 80 mWh, but its original design capacity was 100 mWh, then the Battery Capacity (%) is 80%. This data is measured for each system.

Hardware Problem Impact Minutes Slider

This slider determines the color coding for the Hardware Problem Impact Minutes data.

This metrics sums the number of minutes where a system was significantly impacted by hardware issues. This data is measured for each system over the past 30 days.

Boot Slider

This slider determines the color coding for the Boot data. This data is measured for each system over the past 90 days.

Hardware Issues Overview

This graph summarizes hardware issues for all systems in the current filters. The colors indicate the severity of hardware issues – green indicates low severity, yellow indicates moderate severity, and red indicates high severity. The exact cutoffs for color coding are defined by the Advanced Options sliders.

Hover over a section of a bar to see the number of systems in that severity category. Click any section to limit the Hardware Issues and Inventory table to the systems in that category. For example, clicking the red section of the BSOD bar limits the Hardware Issues and Inventory table to systems with a high number of BSODs.

Refer to Hardware Issues and Inventory for more info on these metrics.

Hardware Issues and Inventory

This graph shows hardware issues and inventory. Use the drop-down to show data from all systems or from the systems selected in Hardware Issues Overview. Note that in either case, this data is also restricted by the Global Filters pane.

Health Score shows the percentage of time where productivity was not negatively impacted by system issues. System issues can include a variety of factors such as latency, CPU utilization, and disk utilization. In general, a lower Health Score indicates that a system is affected by system issues more often. This score is an average for a system during the past 30 days.

For example, consider a system with an average Health Score of 85. This system is negatively impacted by system issues for 15% of its active time. If this system is active for 10 hours a day, then it is usually impacted by system issues for 1.5 hours each day.

Hardware Health Impact Minutes sums the number of minutes where a system was significantly impacted by hardware issues.

Battery Capacity (%) compares a battery’s current capacity to the capacity that battery was designed to have when brand-new. For example, if a battery’s current capacity is 80 mWh, but its original design capacity was 100 mWh, then the Battery Capacity (%) is 80%.

After this DEX Pack is deployed, it may take up to 24 hours for Num Boots data to populate this Dashboard.

Hardware-Related Sensors

This table shows the number of systems that have triggered hardware-related sensors in the past 30 days. The Active column shows the number of systems currently triggering that sensor.

Click any sensor name to populate the table in Affected Systems (Selected Sensor). This restricts that table to systems that triggered that sensor in the past 30 days. Click any of the time span cells to the right of the sensor name to further limit the table to that time span.

For example, clicking the 21-30 Days Ago cell associated with the Frequent Network Disconnects sensor will show any systems that triggered that sensor in that time span.

Double-click any sensor name to view more details about that sensor in Prevent.

Affected Systems (Selected Sensor)

This table is populated based on the cell clicked in Hardware-Related Sensors. This table shows every system that triggered the selected sensor within the selected time span. Double-click any system in this table to investigate that system in Resolve.

System Health Monitoring

System Selection

Click a system in this table to populate the rest of this Dashboard with data for that system.

Data will not show if the system is offline. By default, offline systems are placed at the bottom of this table.

User Experience Summary

Health Score shows the percentage of time where productivity was not negatively impacted by system issues. System issues can include a variety of factors such as latency, CPU utilization, and disk utilization. In general, a lower Health Score indicates that a system is affected by system issues more often. This score is an average for a system during the past 30 days.

For example, consider a system with an average Health of 85. This system is negatively impacted by system issues for 15% of its active time. If this system is active for 10 hours a day, then it is usually impacted by system issues for 1.5 hours each day.

Current Battery Capacity (%) compares a battery’s current capacity to the capacity that battery was designed to have when brand-new. For example, if a battery’s current capacity is 80 mWh, but its original design capacity was 100 mWh, then the Current Battery Capacity (%) is 80%.

Total App Faults, Total Boots, and Total BSODs are summed from the past 30 days.

CPU Performance Summary

This data is averaged over the past 30 days. Click a metric in this table to display it in the graph

to the right.

Memory Performance Summary

This data is averaged over the past 30 days. Click a metric in this table to display it in the graph to the right.

Disk Performance Summary

This data is averaged over the past 30 days. Click a metric in this table to display it in the graph to the right.

Hardware-Related Sensors

This table shows the sensors triggered on this system in the past 30 days. The Active column shows the sensors currently being triggered. A value of 1 and a red color indicate a triggered sensor.

Double-click any sensor name to view more details about that sensor in Prevent.

Battery Summary

Battery Capacity Slider

This slider determines the color coding for the Battery Capacity (%) data in the tables below.

Cells with Battery Capacity less than, between, and greater than the chosen values will be colored as shown in this slider.

This metric compares a battery’s current capacity to the capacity that battery was designed to have when brand-new. For example, if a battery’s current capacity is 80 mWh, but its original design capacity was 100 mWh, then the Battery Capacity (%) is 80%. This data is measured for each system.

Battery Capacity by Model

This table shows the Average Battery Capacity (%) for all systems grouped by model. Click a model in this table to populate the graph on the right.

Battery Capacity by System

This graph shows Battery Capacity data for individual systems. Use the drop-down to either show data from all systems or from the systems selected in Battery Capacity by Model. Note that in either case, this data is also restricted by the Global Filters pane.

The Battery Capacity Change column subtracts the current Battery Capacity from the Battery Capacity measured 30 days ago. If this DEX Pack was deployed less than 30 days ago, then this column will instead subtract the current Battery Capacity from the oldest measured Battery Capacity.

This Battery Capacity data is measured once per week. Data will not appear in the Battery Capacity Change column until at least 2 weeks after this DEX Pack has been deployed.

Battery Capacity Trend (Selected System)

This graph shows Battery Capacity data for the system selected in Battery Capacity by System. This data is measured once per week for the past 3 weeks. After this DEX Pack has been deployed, it may take up to 1 week for data to begin populating this graph